Let's kick fear to the curb
take a deep breath, nestle into soothing hope, and claim a bit of clarifying relief from the what ifs or worse case scenarios that plague your soul
You don't have to look too far or be too brilliant or even all that terribly compassionate to grasp this truth right here ... people are desperately afraid.
The reasons are as wide as the sky, as deep as the ocean. Often complex … and no, there's no quick fixes in sight.
Serious family situations or scary health issues might have emerged rather quickly or financial upheaval, a job crisis, or the endless political clamor could be causing nightly sleepless hours.
Perhaps there are urgent decisions that should have been made last week. Or maybe a gnawing loneliness or the unsettledness that often accompanies grief or rapid change has left its mark.
When fear comes to call, he is not at all a gentleman. He is a ferocious ugly companion who forces his way into our hearts and minds during our most vulnerable moments, taking up what looks to be permanent residence.
He settles himself in, puts his scaly feet up, and makes himself at home. His malicious intent is not to leave, but to hang around for as long as possible. What he really wants is to run the show, call the shots, orchestrate the whole concerto that is our lives.
He disturbs, isolates, victimizes, mesmerizes, paralyzes.
This ugly taskmaster steals joy, confidence, peace, and sanity. His relentless, constant companionship can kick anxiety into high gear, keep us from making wise decisions, wreck havoc with precious relationships, and render us impotent to do anything more than simply . be . afraid.
But there is a stronger truth that must prevail. And it is this - our tender, merciful God is inviting us to lean deeply into His power to conquer whatever assails us.
God has bountifully given us endless grace and life-giving freedom. He longs for us to be in healthy, renewing community with Himself and with others. He graciously gives us power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).
He gently whispers, 'do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand' (Isaiah 41:10).
Be comforted. Be assured. You are not alone, God is on your side and will help you show fear the door and kick him straight to the curb. Do this as often as the enemy comes slinking back toward your heart. Because you truly can embrace decision making and life's trials from a place of confidence and love and sanity (2 Timothy 1:7).
God's perfect love casts out all the ugliness of fear (1 John 4:18). And the good news is that you have the power, through the name of Jesus Christ, to kick that uninvited evil guest to the curb and right off to the abyss where he rightfully belongs.
Have anxiety or depression become a health challenge?
symptoms of depression & symptoms of anxiety
Brain health issues are not a spiritual flaw, they are a medical condition that must be addressed. If you've been experiencing depression or anxiety, please call your physician. Or call 911 if you're in crisis. There is no shame in reaching out for help, in fact it is vital. The building of a sound mind allows us to live out our God-given empowerment and call to love with healthy bodies and eager hearts.
You’ve heard me, now it’s your turn. What’s scaring you? And how do you do battle with fear?
I may have shared this here before, but a counselor/trainer/speaker once quoted 2 Peter 5:8 about the devil prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Such a statement can certainly induce fear. But then she said, "Just remember: His teeth were removed at Calvary!" That knowledge alone can give us the confidence to do as you urge, Linda: kick uninvited evil to the curb!
This was so wonderful. I loved hearing you read it as I followed along and read along with you. As the Bible says, fear has torment. I can certainly vouch for how it feels to live in such fear, and though God has helped me tremendously, I still struggle. You are such a blessing, my friend.