Tim & Linda's Christmas Card
greetings in your inbox instead of your mailbox. lots of pictures, too.
Dearest friends, near & far, online & off, very old & brand new!
Merry Christmas on this cold, gray Cape Cod morning.
Tim is off to Habitat for the day. He’s still building homes, deconstructing kitchens, and working for his builder friend. Or drumming up something in the basement like this little library he surprised me with for our anniversary. These days it’s Christmas trees made out of abandoned wood pallets. He’s happy, healthy, motivated, and laser focused on whatever’s right in front of him … and he loves a good old-fashioned nap. His heart problems seem to be resolved after a few procedures this year.
We enjoy a quiet, peaceful life together. I’m grateful.
I’m still writing up a storm, now here on Substack. I’m entering year #17 of blogging and nurturing online community and love it more than ever. I’m so appreciative of the doors that God opened, the people I’ve come to know, and the way they’ve shaped and sharpened my faith.
Between this and Stephen Ministry at church I feel incredibly content and blessed.
All that said, my favorite times are when we’re with the family. But that you already knew. Next year, all the grandkids will either be in high school, college, or have graduated college. Really. We have athletes and musicians, bookworms and creatives living in Connecticut, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina. They are the most entertaining (usually but not always) people and their antics and accomplishments keep life from being dull.
I only wish that we could shrink the miles which seem to be getting longer by the year.
We are in absolute awe of their incredible parents. Talk about amazing people. Wow.
And if you can believe it, Lydia is headed into her final semester of college and recently got engaged to this exceptional man. I can not believe that she is getting married. Where did the years go?
God has been so incredibly kind to us even during the hard stuff that every family goes through. We are no exception. I feel like my most important work right now is to love lavishly and pray lots. And even though we are seldom all together, when we are, it’s just the best of celebrations.
Bonus points and double the noisy commotion when my sister’s clan is in the same vicinity. Having her live nearby is the icing on the cake. Laughing, minding each other’s business, crying, making each other crazy … I know mom and dad would be thrilled to find us back together where we belong.
We miss them so much and talk about them often.
So from our neck of the woods to wherever you find yourself, may this be a peaceful Christmas. May you sense the lovingkindness of our Savior and see Him hard at work in the lives of those you love. And may the coming year bring you new opportunities to use your gifts to serve others and honor the One who loves us most.
Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
I’m here at Grace & Space week in and out. We talk about hope and grief, our homes and ministries, frustrations and favorite books, challenges and faith right in the middle of life’s messiness. All the things. I hope you’ll subscribe and then join me in doing life here together in the coming year. It would be wonderful to re-connect with you.
Meanwhile, I don’t have everyone’s email addresses so if you know someone who knew us way back in the day, please feel free to send this Christmas note their way.
Bless you ~
Linda & Tim
Throughout your letter I found myself saying, "Me too!" My husband's health is also stable right now, thanks to the attentive care of his doctors. We too take sublime joy in family togetherness, especially when all of us can be in the same place at the same time, and we also take great joy in the successes and accomplishments of "our people." I pray that 2024 finds us growing in faith and serving with joy. Merry Christmas to you Linda!
LOVE seeing all your family!! Good memories! Please give a hug to those who know me, at least. My immediate family is now 70 in number living in OH, VA, NC, TN, FL, AL, NM, HI, and Japan. Miss my Bud!