Feb 18Liked by Linda Stoll

I am reading the book a bit slower than you all but had to come back to comment. I loved the quote you shared from Chapter 2. I wonder if at times what we perceive as "not answering" truly is an answer in itself. Maybe God listening is the only action we need - a compassionate ear. A safe place to vent. One who holds our very confidences and never repeats. All are such gifts we receive from our listening God.

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It's a book to savor, isn't it, friend. Every re-read or review gives new food for thought ... or action. I agree with you about God's answers to our prayer. He often says 'no' or 'let's wait on that.' And those responses are just as valid as the 'yes' we had hoped for. So grateful He sees the big picture!

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The first set of quotes you already shared have me intrigued. I will put this book on my TBR list and come back to it another time. Thank you as always for providing this space.

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Yep, this is a worthy add to our TBR piles, Mary. You'll know when it's the right time to come back to it. Meanwhile, I hope you're enjoying a restful Sabbath, friend. I'm so glad you're here!

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I found you on The Soul Minimalist Linda, and I'm glad I did! This book is calling my name. I'm jumping in late with you guys! I'll be back with thoughts.

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I'm glad you did, too, Amanda! Welcome! I look forward to getting to know you in the days ahead.

You made my afternoon, girl ...

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Feb 7Liked by Linda Stoll

This book was my companion as I went to the hairdresser this morning. This is a powerful read and I am so grateful you mentioned the book!

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I love that you took the book with you, Joanne. I need to remember to carry something to read instead of scrolling when I'm out and about and have a few minutes. Thanks for this healthy nudge.

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I also love facts and was surprised to see that the word listen appears in the Bible over 1,500 times. Sometimes when I'm reading the Bible I'll think to myself " Uh Oh, well they didn't listen." millennium later and we still have trouble getting it right. Sometimes I do, praise to God for his grace.

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Good point - it's easy to look back or look around and shake our heads in judgment. And then, sigh, we look in the mirror.

Ouch again.

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I stopped to reflect on how true the statement Adam included from professor Howard Hendricks that "Biblically speaking, to hear and not do is to not hear at all." This had me thinking about God's do's and don'ts within Scripture. We hear what hes saying, but if we don't do (or don't) it we haven't really heard him at all.

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Yeah. You've brought James 1:22 to mind, Paula - 'But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.'

Self-deception. Ouch.

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Feb 4Liked by Linda Stoll

You know that I am out of words,

you can see I'm out of thought,

and that all my dreams are birds

that never, ever will be caught.

You know that there is little left,

you see the cupboard's nearly bare,

and that my careworn warp and weft

is no shield 'gainst the empty air.

But I ask, don't turn away,

for in nothing there hides grace.

Sit, and for a short time, stay,

and add your heart-warmth to this place,

for it's your friendship I hold dear,

so linger here, and have a beer.

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Something tells me that you will never run out of words or poems, memories or dreams ...

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Feb 3Liked by Linda Stoll

As a person who is always ready to talk and not a great listener, I knew I had to read this book and become part of this conversation (see…I’m still "talking’)! I think I was looking for tips on ‘being a better listener to other people’, and it looks like that will be coming, but I’m grateful that we are starting with the God who listens and listening to God. I am pretty consistent in prayers of supplication for those I care about, but not at all good about taking time to listen to God’s voice on a regular basis. I sometimes think, “How would I feel if someone I loved always came to me with requests but never hung around to hear my heart?” This is a place where I truly need to grow!

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Wow, Cyndi "“How would I feel if someone I loved always came to me with requests but never hung around to hear my heart?” pausing to reflect on your profound statement here. This is sure food for thought.

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'I sometimes think, “How would I feel if someone I loved always came to me with requests but never hung around to hear my heart?”'

Um, wow. Doesn't take us too long to figure out the answer to that one. A powerful wakeup call, girl.

I'm glad you're here.

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Hey Linda, my book arrives today, yay! So I'll be back to visit.

Thanks bunches and bunches for sharing Listening Life Book Club #1 with Sweet Tea & Friends this month.

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Enjoy savoring. Good stuff ...

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Feb 3Liked by Linda Stoll

I, too, was struck by, “we tell God what to give rather than asking what God wants to give.” It seems to create an open posture to ask God’s thoughts and perspectives and dreams and desires as opposed to telling him what to give based off of our limited view. Refreshing surrender. Additionally, on page 12…”Our longings for intimacy will not be satisfied through one-way conversations and interactions that feel like competitions.” I find this this to be completely true. This book is fascinating and practical. 💕

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GB, thanks for the whole idea of approaching God with an open posture ... what a faith expander as we begin catching glimpses of His amazing, creative power at work, especially in those scenarios that seem like dead ends.

I'm so glad you're here ...

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Feb 2Liked by Linda Stoll

This statement especially caught my attention (out of many worthwhile tidbits!): "We tell God what to give rather than asking what God wants to give." There are those who tell us to pray with specificity, reminding us that "we have not because we ask not" (James 4:2). But I much prefer to leave the outcome of prayers with my all-wise Father. What HE wants to give will always be the best. Perhaps that verse from James could be understood: we don't have God's best because we don't ask for His best!

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The more we grow to love Him, the more we watch Him at work, the more we trust His plans. I'm finding so much peace and freedom in this kind of prayer life.

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Feb 3Liked by Linda Stoll

Amen, my friend!

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Feb 2Liked by Linda Stoll

The emphasis on prioritizing speaking over listening resonates with me. The perspective on God as a listener is comforting. Thanks, Linda. This discussion has prompted me to reconsider my own listening habits.

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God as the lover and listener and protector of our souls. I love this truth.

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Linda, I so appreciate your outline of the book here as I have not had the time to restart it yet. We just got back from St. Simon's Island. While there, Danny's pacemaker went crazy. Long story short, he was rushed to the hospital where they replaced it. His sons came down to be with us and subsequently drove us home. I'll never stop praising God for His love and mercy. I actually heard His words of comfort. I pray all is well with you.

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Sending healing prayer to you and your husband.

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Feb 2Liked by Linda Stoll

Praising God with you, Martha, for his words of comfort and that all is well! HALLELUJAH!

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Oh dear friend, I am so sorry that you guys have gone through such a trauma. And that you could hear God's words of comfort in the middle of it all is such a testimony of His love for you.

Thank You, Jesus. And continue to bring healing to Your faithful followers as they recover from this unsettling experience.

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Feb 1Liked by Linda Stoll

I find that so often my prayer time is filled with prayer requests or thankfulness for answered prayer that the time to listen is cut short. Sometimes I need to prioritize what and who needs to be prayed for that day - deeper prayer, not longer prayer is sometimes what I need. That time to listen is so crucial.

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And sometimes there are so many deep needs that all we can do is sit quietly with God and let Him still our overwrought souls. No need to search for words because there aren't any. Just sitting, letting Him love us, whisper peace, and calm our anxious thoughts.

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I did read the all the quotes! However, I must say the last line is what hit me the most. "The universe crackles with God's voice." What if we lived by that statement? What if we spent every moment listening for God's voice in the "crackles" of all that we are present to? Wouldn't we then be listening with wide-open eyes, ears, hearts, and souls to all of God's blessings, leadings, and mercies? Imagine that....

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That would be wonderful Lynn! Hallelujah!

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1Author

Yes, that word jumped right out at me, too, Lynn. Something alive, vibrant, electric, that captures every part of who we are. The call to sit up and take notice. As you've so well said, 'Wouldn't we then be listening with wide-open eyes, ears, hearts, and souls to all of God's blessings, leadings, and mercies?'

A powerful wakeup call indeed.

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So many great points here that I could holler an amen to, but the point that has hit me in the gut is the thought about loneliness. I have a very dear friend who controls every conversation. I don’t usually mind listening, but if I walk into the room with words that I NEED to say, I am hard pressed to find a place to put them. And so my sadness today has moved away from my “she never listens”complaints to concern for my sweet friend, which feels very redemptive and broadening.

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How beautiful that you spin this right around to loving well is a huge testimony to God's grace in your life, Michele. Too often we stay in our frustration and disappointment because our needs are not being met. But you've redefined your relationship to one of ministry to a hurting soul. And I have no doubt that God will meet your need ... maybe in ways that will surprise you.

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