Porch #152 🧰 Support Group Guidelines
helpful parameters for people helpers who facilitate & those who are looking for safe, trustworthy, healing spaces
I’ve been leading Christ-centered support groups for decades. Conversations for single parents. Fellow counselors. Couples navigating terminal illness. Ministry leaders. Covid long-haulers. Grievers. Women battling depression.
A support group led by someone well trained, experienced, and gifted in people skills can do wonders in facilitating the often rocky path to emotional healing and spiritual growth. Plus, sifting through life’s challenges in the company of others is often more beneficial and enjoyable than being mired in perpetual isolation. Discovering you’re not the only one has the propensity to lift an enormous burden that has held you hostage. (Oh, you, too? I thought I was the only one!)
On the other hand, a support group with spiritual foundations and/or interaction with others is not for everyone and a knowledgeable leader will be able to discern if 1-1 conversations with a licensed mental health professional or a different type of supportive therapy would better fit the bill.
These Support Group Guidelines have been cobbled together over time (with the input of wise participants along the way). Please feel free to share this in its entirety, my gift to you. Your pastoral staff, church leaders and teachers, small group, friends, or favorite people helper might be interested.
I’d love to chat and hear what’s worked for you in group work as a participant or as a leader. And what hasn’t. I’m happy to answer your questions.
Especially the line about not passing tissues.
As always, please click the blue comment button to either leave a comment or simply enjoy the dialogue. Because the follow-up conversation after a post is always the best part, isn’t it ...
This group serves as a Christ-centered supportive space where participants are respected, listened to, validated, and encouraged. The facilitator guides discussions with reflective questions and observations aimed toward fostering fresh clarity, wise choices, emotional healing, and spiritual growth.Â
This group is not a Bible study, prayer meeting, or one on one mental health therapy and in no way replaces those venues.
Identities of participants and what is said is never shared outside the group without the permission of those involved.
We are here to work on ourselves. We actively participate in discussions, sharing our own challenges, experiences, and feelings. We do occasional homework, as requested.
We are considerate of the need for all to share and limit our sharing time.
We listen well, giving each person who shares our undivided, focused attention.Â
We do not offer advice, opinions, or try to fix others.Â
We avoid minimizing hurts, explaining them away, or ignoring them.Â
We are comfortable with silence after someone shares deeply.
We do not touch, hug, or pass tissues without being asked or asking permission.
We avoid crosstalk.
We invite God to actively comfort, convict, and guide throughout our sessions.Â
We do not preach at members of this group or lob Scripture at others in ways that are insensitive.Â
We stay on subject, avoiding politics and other subjects that may be controversial.Â
We speak kindly and guard against offending one another. If someone offends us, we work it out directly with that person.
If a participant is unable to attend a meeting, she/he notifies the facilitator.
Linda Stoll M.S., BCPC, BCMHCÂ Â Â Â
lindastoll.substack.com   Â
© 2024. Â
a soft place to land
a calm weekend haven
a gentle pause from life's busyness
experiencing the lovingkindness of Jesus
& doing life together in community
All for Him,
Linda, these are wonderful support group guidelines. These are so wise and meaningful.
Thank you so much for sharing with Sweet Tea & Friend's this month.
The part about not passing tissues without asking is such a small but meaningful touch. This feels like a solid framework for real emotional and spiritual growth!
Hugs and blessings, Linda