Amen and I'll say it again Amen. So true. I appreciate you sharing this blessed message with Sweet Tea & Friends this month dear friend.


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It's been a helpful conversation ...

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Feb 17Liked by Linda Stoll

We definitely need to make time for others, especially to listen.

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For sure. Seems like we're getting more preoccupied and distracted. I like to blame it on our endlessly absorbing online obsession.

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Feb 9Liked by Linda Stoll

I love this, Linda. If I were to ever sum up my philosophy of life in 10 quick points, some version of Oswald Chambers' perspective in the quote you shared would definitely be on the list. :-) I think what stands out to me as I read your words is the phrase "over time." None of this happens overnight; there's no way it could. That's a very comforting thought. Thanks for leading the way in this, dear friend.

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Oh yeah. Over time. I like that grace ... not overnight, but a gradual, steady unfolding. Maybe that's where the change happens, the kind of change that's for the long haul.

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Feb 9Liked by Linda Stoll

We are made for relationship with God and others, embrace it!

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Hey Barb, welcome! I'm so very glad you've joined us.

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Feb 9Liked by Linda Stoll

It's hard to be humble

when you're a bloke like me

who never had a fumble

nor lost a victory,

and nor have I been broken,

for I am quite old-school,

which may be my token

as Ambassador Of Cool.

But still, I'll stop to listen

to your tale of woe,

see your tears a-glisten,

and hope that I can show

that though you need to be improved,

you're free to hang out with The Dude.

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'Ambassador Of Cool'


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Feb 8Liked by Linda Stoll

So enjoyed this piece and the comments!! Thank you Linda. As someone entering the second half of life and launching teenagers, I’ve felt untethered and wonder what/where/who/how God will use me next. This gift of a fully present, emotionally & spiritually healthy self resonates with me. Our world needs this, but as you mentioned, it is an expensive offering (“clearing valuable space in our overloaded calendars and unplugging from all that grabs for our attention…”)

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Yeah, those untethered seasons can be awfully unsettling, Allecia. But it's like that's where God finally has the chance to do all the deep work He's been wanting to do. We were just too distracted or scared to say 'yes' to His invitations.

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Feb 8Liked by Linda Stoll

What profound wisdom, Linda! The importance of genuine presence, quiet listening, and refraining from giving unsolicited advice resonates deeply. Your gratitude-inspired principles for enhancing our presence are invaluable. They remind us of what truly matters. Let us continually strive to embody the grace and wisdom of Jesus. Sending you love and blessings!

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I'm still in learning mode on that refraining from giving unsolicited advice. Why do we think people want to hear us all the time? Why do we think we know the answers to all of life's questions?

* sigh

I think many of us are longing for some kind of validation that we can only get from our Heavenly Father.

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Feb 8Liked by Linda Stoll

Such wonderful advice, as always, friend. God bless you for sharing your heart full of so much wisdom!

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Sending you smiles and a hug.

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Truly wonderful insight, Linda, especially the four gratitude fueled distinctives. Sometimes I think we run headlong into "being there" without really knowing why we're there.

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Oh that's a good point, Donna, about running headlong into 'being there' without really having a purpose or a plan. Or, for that matter, running headlong anywhere without thought. How much frustration have we caused ourselves or others along the way ....

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Feb 7Liked by Linda Stoll

Such meaningful insight here, Linda. Being truly present and being still and listening well instead of offering advice or interrupting is so important. I love your gratitude-fueled distinctives that help us to be more fully present. So needed. May we grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus! Love and blessings to you!

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I'm thinking most all of us want our lives and choices to be prompted by something more than shoulds or have tos or expectations. Guilt trips and shame are lousy motivators, aren't they. But gratitude prompted by our faith in Jesus? THAT I am excited about.

I hope you're having a lovely week, friend.

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Feb 7Liked by Linda Stoll

Linda -

I struggle with the "being comfortable in my own skin" - rather sad but true. It does often hamper me from coming alongside others as I would like. But, God is patient and I am a work in progress.

Regarding comments....so we are supposed to have "nothing" in the handle space. Substack is wanting me to choose one but I was not sure. I'm hoping you get this comment....and know who it is from. I did try responding to your post in the email that I received but you mentioned you didn't know who I was. Sigh.

Like I said, I'm learning. A work in progress:) But thanks so much - not only for your encouragment here but also in your visits to my blog. (www.myashesforbeauty.com - that's me!) Let me know if I need to do something else here! Blessings to you today!!

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Jennifer, thank you so much for going the 2nd and 3rd mile to be here. Yes, I remember your email and am so glad we've reconnected! With a bit of trial and error, I discovered that the handle issue created a whole lot of problems for people signing in and by leaving it blank most readers are easily getting right into the comments, which is so important to us all. After that it seems to be smooth sailing.

Again, it means so much that you've kept trying to connect. I'm sad / disappointed that not all my former readers / friends have joined me here, and after about 3 months of trying to keep in touch I've needed to slowly begin letting go, wishing them well in my heart, and lifting them up in prayer as God prompts.

I'm so very grateful for your visit this afternoon. Long time friends are so valuable to me and some of us have been connected for years, running in the same blogging circles. But I feel good about my choice to continue my work on Substack for so many reasons.

Sending you hugs and love.


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Feb 7Liked by Linda Stoll

”We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”“

‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭20‬:‭12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I try to remember these words of King Jehoshaphat’s prayer. As I go where our good Father has asked me to go, I try to remember that He has equipped me, but more importantly He goes with me. And His will be done. Maybe silence and presence is all that is needed.

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You're so right, friend. We follow the Leader, trusting He has the pathway already marked out for us. I've learned to expect to encounter a few unexpected twists and turns along the way. But He already knows and that leaves me believing, yet again, that all will be well.

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What's come to me, as I sit and reflect on your post, is the power of presence--presence to ourselves and others. When we are present to ourselves, we know the capacity we have to help another, and open to hear what the Holy Spirit within us. Then we also know when and how to present to others. It all starts with being present.

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Amen, Lynn. So beautifully spoken. It's hard to give this kind of deeply personal, spiritual gift to someone if we haven't embraced it for ourselves.

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Feb 7Liked by Linda Stoll

Hi Linda! This is not an issue with me for the most part. As a pastor, I give myself away. The difficulty comes drawing the line as to when to shut down for the day. Some days when 5:00 rolls around I can pretty much shut down as well. But there are some evenings, especially after going to bed, that my phone goes off. It is easy to say, "Leave the phone elsewhere or put it on vibrate" but as a pastor I simply cannot do that.

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Your words remind me of the Good Shepherd who goes after the one who has left the flock and strayed away.. Thank you for devoting your life to Him ... and to the community He's blessed you with, Bill. Your faithfulness (especially after 5 pm!) does not go unnoticed by the One who called and shaped you to serve with such an open heart.

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Giving the gift of ourselves communicates value to the recipient. It truly is a "gentle offering of a healthy grace-laden presence to someone who's struggling" or weary or just spirit/soul hungry for authentic love. Thank you for this timely reminder to 'enter into' our relationship with others in the same manner in which He enters into His relationship with us - wholeheartedly.

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Oh thank you for reminding us who our Heavenly Father is to us and how deeply and lavishly He loves us. Yes, yes, Lisa. Our thirsty souls can't hear this enough.

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Yes to all of this! These are such important distinctions. The most problematic one that I see as an educator of clergy, is when the wounds haven't healed and they've not tended to their own brokenness first before being with others and the damage that can cause.

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Yes. I'm thinking we've all got stories we could tell of what seen or experienced along the way. This kind of damage can be deep and life-altering on so many levels. Keep doing the valuable work God's shaped you to do, Christine. More than ever we need healthy ministers of God's grace.

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